Grounding HOW-TO

The complete Grounding HOW-TO in Text format.

A sample 'Real-life' Grounding System.
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At this time you might also install some static-arrests to your Antenna cable.

A Static-Arrest or 'Surge-Arrest' is a 'Static grounding device' installed to protect your radio against damaging static discharges. It work with 'spikes' and an 'tuned air gap' witch allowe static electricity to be discharged to ground.

The static-arrests is preferably placed on your antenna cable outside the building. (Before going true wall)

VARNING! Sufficient ground for RF-Grounding and static-arrests is obtained from a water-pipe o.e. However you MUST make a proper ground conductor for the lightning arrests system, the water-pipe will not do! Usage of it for this purpose is even DANGEROUS!
Radio Set Grounding.
The Photo shows the radio-set with the grounding-wires connected in a 'daisy-chain', this is wrong! By connecting in this manner you might get problems with noise from ground-loops. Avoid this by connecting the ground cables like a star, going to the same point as shown in the drawing.

RF grounding of al your radio equipment,- make ground wires out of insulated cupper leads at least 1.5 in square millimeters.

The grounding wires should be used to ground all your equipment together, Radio - Amplifiers - Tuner - Antenna switch a.s.o. to a single point,- this point should then be grounded to a sufficent grounding point,- this might be an water radiator,- water-pipe or a grounding rood outside your house.

Complete installation

The drawing abowe shows a complete 'sample' installation of a radio set. the blue lines is the grounding wires,- running from the power-supply via radio and amplifier straight outside the house to the static-arrest and down to the ground rood.

Indoor ground terminal
I chouse to manufacture my 'indoor ground terminal' from a pice of 3mm aluminum, wrapped it with thin 0,5mm cu-plate to improve conducting. To this terminal-center i connect my outdoors ground conductor and al my equipment s.a. Radio, PA-Amplifier, Tuner a.s.o.

If TVI/RFI (Interferance) is the problem at your radio-set. Refere to the Interference HOW-TO

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