- 7 Element Dualband 12/17 Meter Yagi -
I made this antenna in the summer of 2004. It's a 'clone' of the Hy-Gain DB-1217 - I use parts from two scrapped 11 meter 'CTE Spitfire' 3 element Yagi's. I actualy only needed to make the 17 meter elements and the feed / sleeve section new, the rest is material from the old 11 meter antennas.

2006.07.15 After two years of storage on my garage roof, it's finaly time for test and adjustments. The antenna is going up above my TH-7DX on a 24meter steel tower this summer.

here is some images of the assembled antenna, initial adjustments is pending....

Final assembly

Final assembly

Para sleeve driver element

Feedpoint with 'Hairpin' match and balun

Feedpoint with 'Hairpin' match and balun

Support boom with parafil wires

Support attachment to boom

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©1999-2006 SM2YER Goran